Today is Tuesday, the 18th of March of 2025
March 18 is the 77th day of the year
288 days remain until the end of the year
2 days until spring begins
Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere will be on Thursday, March 20, 2025, 2:01 AM Pacific Time
Sunrise at 7:15:17 am
and sunset will be at 7:21:06 pm
We will have 12 hours and 5 minutes of daylight
The solar transit will be at 1:18:11 pm.
Water temperature in Aquatic Park today is 54.9°F.
The first high tide will be at 1:22 am at 5.5 feet
The first low tide will be at 8:08 am at 0.53 feet
The next high tide at 2:40 pm at 4.06 feet
and the final low tide at Ocean Beach tonight will be at 7:39 pm at 2.48 feet
The Moon is currently 84.9% visible
It’s a Waning Gibbous
We’ll have the Last Quarter Moon in 4 days on Saturday the 22nd of March of 2025 at 4:30 am
On this day in Women’s Herstory…
In 1789:
A women-led march on Versailles, France, triggered by economic hardship and the lavish lifestyle of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, demanded the release of grain stores, marking a turning point in the French Revolution.
In 1870:
Anna Whitehead Bodeker published an article, "Defence of Woman Suffrage", in the Richmond (Virginia) Daily Enquirer, advocating for women's right to vote.
Born on this day In 1964 – Bonnie Blair, speed skater, one of the most successful Winter Olympians in U.S. history, 5 time gold medalist
In 1970:
American musician and actress Queen Latifah was born in Newark, New Jersey.
And in 1980:
A celebration (certainly not the first) of Women's History Month began as a local event in Santa Rosa, California, organized by the Education Task Force of the Sonoma County Commission on the Status of Women.
Today is….
National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day
Today is also…..
Anniversary of the Oil Expropriation (Mexico)
Gallipoli Memorial Day (Turkey)
Men's and Soldiers' Day (Mongolia)
Ordnance Factories' Day (India)
Sheelah's Day (Ireland, Canada, Australia)
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday To You! You share your special day with…..
1495 – Mary Tudor, Queen of France (d. 1533)
1634 – Madame de La Fayette, French author (d. 1693)
1837 – Grover Cleveland, American lawyer and politician, 22nd and 24th President of the United States (d. 1908)
1844 – Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Russian composer and academic (d. 1908)
1845 – Kicking Bear, Native American tribal leader (d. 1904)
1869 – Neville Chamberlain, English businessman and politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (d. 1940)
1877 – Edgar Cayce, American mystic and psychic (d. 1945)
1893 – Wilfred Owen, English soldier and poet (d. 1918)
1899 – Marjorie Abbatt, English toy-maker and businesswoman (d. 1991)
1909 – Ernest Gallo, American businessman, co-founded the E & J Gallo Winery (d. 2007)
1922 – Suzanne Perlman, Hungarian-Dutch visual artist (d. 2020)
1927 – George Plimpton, American journalist and actor (d. 2003)
1927 – Lillian Vernon, German-American businesswoman and philanthropist, founded the Lillian Vernon Company (d. 2015)
1928 – Fidel V. Ramos, Filipino general and politician, 12th President of the Philippines (d. 2022)
1932 – John Updike, American novelist, short story writer, and critic (d. 2009)
1933 – Unita Blackwell, American civil rights activist and politician (d. 2019)
1934 – Charley Pride, American country music singer and musician (d. 2020)
1936 – F. W. de Klerk, South African lawyer and politician, former State President of South Africa, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 2021)
1941 – Wilson Pickett, American singer-songwriter (d. 2006)
1942 – Kathleen Collins, American filmmaker and playwright (d. 1988)
1945 – Susan Tyrrell, American actress (d. 2012)
1950 – Linda Partridge, English geneticist and academic
1951 – Ben Cohen, American businessman and philanthropist, co-founded Ben and Jerry's
1951 – Bill Frisell, American guitarist and composer
1951 – Tret Fure, American contemporary folk singer-songwriter, and audio engineer, born in Iowa
1952 – Will Durst, American journalist and actor
1959 – Irene Cara, American singer-songwriter and actress (d. 2022)
1962 – James McMurtry, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor
1963 – Vanessa L. Williams, American model, actress, and singer
1964 – Bonnie Blair, American speed skater
1964 – Jo Churchill, British politician
1964 – Isabel Noronha, Mozambican film director
1967 – Miki Berenyi, English singer-songwriter and guitarist
1970 – Katy Gallagher, Australian politician
1970 – Queen Latifah, American rapper, producer, and actress
1971 – Kitty Ussher, English economist and politician
1972 – Dane Cook, American comedian, actor, director, and producer
1972 – Reince Priebus, American lawyer and politician
1973 – Luci Christian, American voice actress and screenwriter
1974 – Laure Savasta, French basketball player, coach, and sportscaster
1976 – Giovanna Antonelli, Brazilian actress and producer
1976 – Mike Quackenbush, American wrestler, trainer, and author, founded Chikara wrestling promotion
1979 – Adam Levine, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and television personality
1980 – Sophia Myles, English actress
1981 – Tora Berger, Norwegian biathlete
1981 – Jang Na-ra, South Korean singer and actress
1983 – Stéphanie Cohen-Aloro, French tennis player
1985 – Ana Beatriz, Brazilian race car driver
1987 – Rebecca Soni, American swimmer
1989 – Lily Collins, English-American actress
1995 – Irina Bara, Romanian tennis player
1995 – Julia Goldani Telles, American actress and dancer
1997 – Ciara Bravo, American actress
….also on this day in history….
1938 – Mexico creates Pemex by expropriating all foreign-owned oil reserves and facilities.
1965 – Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, leaving his spacecraft Voskhod 2 for 12 minutes, becomes the first person to walk in space.
1990 – Germans in the German Democratic Republic vote in the first democratic elections in the former communist dictatorship.
1994 – Bosnia's Bosniaks and Croats sign the Washington Agreement, ending war between the Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and establishing the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.