MEDINA, Ohio -- Here’s the latest news about college students from Medina County.
Grove City College: The following local students were named to the Dean’s List with high distinction for the fall 2024 semester at Grove City College.
From Medina: Zach Furry, a senior Exercise Science major, a 2021 graduate of Springboro High School and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Furry (Carrie); Abigail Gehman, a senior Middle Level Math/English major, is a 2021 graduate of Medina Senior High School is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gehman (Christine); Grace Ruth, a sophomore Social Work major, a 2023 graduate of Highland High School is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William Ruth (Lisa); Clarissa Schuller, a junior Political Science major, a 2022 homeschool graduate is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Schuller (Andrea);
Elinor Varner, a freshman Accounting major, a 2024 graduate of Medina Senior High School is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Varner (Emily); Erin Venus, a senior Elementary Education, a 2021 graduate of Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Venus (Millie).
Owen Hancock of Brunswick was also named to Dean’s List. He is a sophomore Computer Science major, a 2023 graduate of Westside Christian Academy and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hancock (April).
Kent State University:
Kent State University recently conferred degrees to Fall graduates during commencement exercises at the Memorial Athletic and Convocation Center. The university awarded 516 associate degrees, 1352 bachelor’s degrees and 640 graduate degrees to students.
From Brunswick: Kelly Badowski, Bachelor of Science Aeronautics & Engineering, magna cum laude; Justin Bolger, Associate of Arts; Aleksandra Boresh, Bachelor of Science Aeronautics & Engineering; Briandi Brazil, Associate of Arts; Taylor Carter, Associate of Science; Mary Case, Associate of Arts, with distinction; Gina Ciacchi, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, magna cum laude; Alexis Clark, Associate of Arts with distinction; Daniel Collis, Bachelor of Science in Education, Health & Human Services, magna cum laude; Jenna Delrio, Associate of Science; Courtney Gall, Bachelor of Integrative Studies Arts and Sciences; Maggie Giaimo, Bachelor of Radiologic Imaging Science,; Grace Giustino, Associate of Science; Alaina Goodhart, Associate of Science with distinction;
Bryce Gosnick, Bachelor of Science in Public Health Public Health magna cum laude; Kaelyn Janke, Associate of Arts; Destanie Jones, Bachelor of Arts; Mallory Kendrick, Associate of Arts with distinction; Brian Klesch, Bachelor of Business Administration cum laude; Shayna Koci, Bachelor of Fine Arts Communication and Information summa cum laude; Morgan Kolesar, Associate of Science; Crystal Lavelle, Associate of Applied Science; Joshua Lopez, Bachelor of Arts; Sarah Nolan, Bachelor of Science in Public Health; Nicole Odorcich, Associate of Science; Jocelyn Ohlemacher, Master of Business Administration; Edward Pelka, Doctor of Philosophy, Education, Health & Human Services; Johnathan Puts, Associate of Science; Bonnie Romano, Master of Education; Julia Sedlecky, Bachelor of Science in Education summa cum laude; Dominic Slomski, Associate of Arts; Gavin Tennyson, Associate of Arts with distinction; Nicolle Walentik, Bachelor of Science.
From Medina: Connor Alexander, Bachelor of Business Administration cum laude; Alexis Beal, Master of Science in Nursing; Lauren Bischof, Associate of Science with distinction; Kelly Bischof, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Skyler Cleighton, Bachelor of Business Administration; Christopher Daw, Master of Science Communication and Information; Allison Dewees, Master of Education; Alasondra Drogell, Bachelor of Science in Nursing cum laude. Elizabeth Gunner, Associate of Science; Francisca Hainley, Bachelor of Science in Education cum laude; Matthew Hastings, Master of Music.
Christina Krause, Bachelor of Science Communication and Information; Kendall Marple, Associate of Arts; Haleigh McKillen, Associate of Science with distinction; Alayna Myosky, Associate of Science with distinction; Leah Schuld, Master of Science in Public Health; Kyle Schultz. Associate of Science; Sophia Schweitzer, Bachelor of Arts; Lilly Sency, Bachelor of Arts summa cum laude; Joseph Shamatta, Master of Public Health; Kate Stewart, Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Health & Human Services; Noah Trowbridge, Bachelor of Science in Public Health cum laude; Riley Vickerts, Bachelor of Science Communication and Information, magna cum laude; Brooke Wightman, Bachelor of Science in Education magna cum laude; Tyler Williams, Bachelor of Business Administration; Rachel Zelek, Master of Education.
From Valley City: Gavin Hulvey, Associate of Science and bachelor of science, summa cum laude; Lawrence Rowan, Bachelor of Arts magna cum laude.
From Hinckley: Benjamin Fillinger, Bachelor of Arts; Elise Nayman, Bachelor of Radiologic Imaging Science magna cum laude; Annika Norton, Master of Public Health; Hannah Riffle, Bachelor of Science in Education; Madison Sauer, Bachelor of Arts; Devin Sima, Bachelor of Business Administration; Emily Smith; Bachelor of Science Education.