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Indians came to Support "MISSION KASHI" Web Series Premiere Released on Indie Films World Produced by Mukesh Modi

Suman Singh Head of Chancery Indian Consulate Office NY

Mission Kashi

"MISSION KASHI" Web Series Premiere Released on Indie Films World Directed by Viivek Srivastava & Produced by Award Winning Mukesh Modi

NEW YORK, NY, UNITED STATES, November 4, 2022 / -- Indian Community Came out to Support "MISSION KASHI" Web Series Premiere Released on Indie Films World Directed by Viivek Srivastava & Produced by Award Winning Mukesh Modi

New York, New York, October 20, 2022
Stars lined up to show their support for “Mission Kashi" Premiere starring Yashveer Choudhary, Sonu Choubey, Anirudha Singh, Mamta Rai, Prithvi Zutshi, Manish Sinha and others in New York New York on October 20th.

Edison, New Jersey, October 30, 2022
Communuty lined up to show their support for “Mission Kashi" Premiere. Community Leaders Mohan Wanchoo, Sunil Hali, Sharad Agarwal, Pramod Bhagat and others in Edison, New Jersey on October 30th.

The Web Series "Mission Kashi" this dramatic, terrorists crime web series is gaining major acclaim and is available to view on Indie Films World

Indian Community came in with many groups to support “Mission Kashi” Premiere along with Consul (Head of Chancery) Ms. Suman Singh from Indian Consulate New York office.

Mission Kashi, an Acclaimed Drama, Terrorist s Crime web series: Directors Viivek Srivastava & Producer Mukesh Modi

Thrilling Plot
Srivastava delivers impactful messages, how the hate can destroy humanity and city, how the terrorists can use your smart phone and social media to blow Kashi. The terrorists took the help from some innocent’s people and challenged the system that intelligent service can’t stop the blow to Kashi. This web series will keep the audience on a roller coaster and the nail biting story will take you all the way to the end to find out who were helping them to blow up Kashi.

Mission to Showcase “Mission Kashi”
After a Grand Success Premier, Modi is set to have “Mission Kashi” premieres in different cities in USA in the month of October and November and then to difference cities in India.

Passion for Film, Truth & Giving Back
Modi’s passion is to give back, globally, through film and service. Prior to “Mission Kashi” he has directed, produced and wrote award winning feature film “The Elevator” and the documentary called “VISION” to inspire a sense of community.
Modi has been giving back with the gift of sight by providing free medical care to those with glaucoma and other ailments. Each year for the last nine years, he sponsored a free medical camp and cataract surgery in India (Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan).

“Mission Kashi” is now available on Indie Films World

More info:

Mukesh Modi
Indie Films World
+ +1 9172151491
Visit us on social media:

Suman Singh Head of Chancery Indian Consulate Office NY

Mission Kashi

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