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Alan Goldman’ shares in his book "The Art and Practise of Due Diligence in Corporate Finance"

The Art and Practise of Due Diligence in Corporate Finance

"Alan Goldman"

Investors’ Guidebook Provides Priceless Tips

ELLERSLIE, AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND, October 7, 2022 / -- Experienced financial executive and analyst Alan Goldman shares the wisdom he has accrued in his four decades in the finance industry. With "The Art and Practise of Due Diligence in Corporate Finance" he shares precisely just that in order to help both neophytes and experienced hands in the field particularly in navigating these uncertain economic times.

"The Art and Practise of Due Diligence in Corporate Finance" is an easy to read and highly anecdotal business book that provides must-read information based on Goldman's experiences. Its pages serve as an invaluable resource for anyone interested in due diligence prior to investing. Goldman's knowhow in the economic field is matched with his extensive lecturing and teaching career, as a keynote speaker at conferences and even appearances on radio and television, as well as written articles and industry papers. Due to this he is uniquely suited to convey the key information in a digestible and usable way.

With "The Art and Practise of Due Diligence in Corporate Finance" Goldman records 40 years of valuable experiences that can contribute to a variety of industries, written in a way to be readable and accessible.

"The best money you have ever spent. Know what you are investing in before investing, not after." Goldman says.

About the Author
Alan Goldman is a financial executive and analyst currently running Jade Falcon group, an international investment bank.

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The Art and Practise of Due Dilligence in Corporate Finance | Author - Alan Goldman

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