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Texas Nationalists Launch Petition Campaign To Put TEXIT On The Ballot in 2022


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The Texas Nationalist Movement only needs 80,000 signatures to put TEXIT on the 2022 primary ballot.

By putting TEXIT on the ballot, we are giving the people of Texas the power that is rightly theirs - the power to declare that Texas should become a free, independent, self-governing nation.
— Daniel Miller, President of the TNM
NEDERLAND, TEXAS, US, August 7, 2021 / -- The Texas Nationalist Movement has launched a campaign to deliver something the Texas Legislature failed to deliver – a vote on TEXIT.

With more determination than ever, as promised, Daniel Miller and the Texas Nationalist Movement are making sure the voices of Texans are heard on Texas becoming a self-governing independent nation.

In January, State Representative Kyle Biedermann filed House Bill 1359, a non-binding referendum that would have allowed Texans to vote ‘yes’ or ‘’no’ to this question: “Should the legislature of the State of Texas submit a plan for leaving the United States of America and establishing an independent republic?” The bill proposes a study – yes, a study – on how TEXIT could be accomplished.

The political establishment pulled out all the stops to halt the progress of this bill. As a result, after thousands of phone calls and visits to our elected representatives, HB1359 died in the State Affairs Committee. The elected class breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that TEXIT supporters would go away. Instead, the TNM’s announcement gives Texans an opportunity to show the political establishment just how powerful the people of Texas can be.

The TNM is launching a campaign using a provision in the Texas Election Code (Sec. 172.008) that allows the people of Texas to force a referendum to be placed on a party’s Primary Ballot by petition. In short, by collecting the requisite number of signatures, the TNM and the people of Texas can place a non-binding TEXIT question on one or both primary ballots in 2022.

The number of signatures required for the 2022 Republican primary is about 77,000. The TNM is already collecting signatures to get the TEXIT question on the Republican Party’s primary ballot.

When successful, Texans will be able to go to the polls in March of 2022 and vote on the TEXIT question, which reads, “The State of Texas should reassert itself as an independent nation. FOR or AGAINST”

With over 413,000 declared TNM supporters and volunteer petition circulators joining the effort daily, the success of this effort is virtually assured.

According to the Texas Nationalist Movement President, Daniel Miller, success in this campaign " simply a matter of getting the people connected for signature collection." However, this is a time-sensitive petition, with only a 180-day time frame, and signatures must be collected in person. The TNM already has Certified Petition Circulators trained in the proper way to obtain and validate each signature. The deadline for the petition is December 12, 2021. The goal is to collect at least 80,000 signatures by December 1st.

In addition to forcing the TEXIT referendum to be placed on the Republican, and potentially the Democratic, primary, the TNM is also strategically preparing candidates to challenge those elected officials who would not allow the voices of Texans to be heard on the issue of Texas independence. Miller explains, "It is absolutely crucial to have people in the Texas Legislature who will properly represent the will of their constituents on the issue of Texas independence."

The Texas Nationalist Movement is holding petition signing events across the state and will deploy as many as 1,000 petition circulators over the coming weeks. In addition, the TNM has launched a dedicated petition page for those seeking more information on how they can be a part of this historic effort. Texans looking to sign the petition or assist in signature collection are encouraged to visit

Miller goes on to say: "The next 100 years of Texas history are going to be determined in the weeks and months to come. By putting TEXIT on the ballot, we are giving the people of Texas the power that is rightly theirs - the power to declare that Texas should become a free, independent, self-governing nation."

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Texas Nationalist Movement
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TNM President Daniel Miller Announces The Launch of the TEXIT Petition Campaign

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